Frequently Asked Questions


Check out our FAQ below for more information about completing your questionnaire. If you can't find the answer you're looking for, call us at 614-326-3077 to speak with a member of our team.

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Why do you need my info?

Just as a Doctor takes your blood pressure, this information helps our team know what questions to ask and identify areas we may may assist you.

Completing the qeustionnaire is the first step in organizing your financial life.

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How Long Does it take?

On average, we have found the questionnaire takes about 15 minutes depending on the complexity of your financial plan. 

Don't worry - you don't have to complete everything at once. You will be able to revisit and securely input your information over time.

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What Info do you need?

We ask that you provide general information regarding your financial goals, background and basic financial information.

We do not ask for sensitive information such as your Social Security Number.